Inter-Generational Sharing
The Baby Boomer generation -- aged 55 to 69 -- is sitting on huge assets accumulated through the go-go years of the economy. Sometimes...

Who Will You Be?
New York Times columnist Frank Bruni has a new book out: Where You Go is Not Who You’ll Be: An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania....

A College Degree is Just the Beginning
A recent article in Inside Higher Ed talks about what a Bachelor's degree can -- and can't -- guarantee to an employer. When fewer...

A Visit to Macalester College
On a cold but beautiful winter’s day – 20 degrees and sunny -- downtown St. Paul never looked better. Macalester College is located on...

Don't Try to Test Cold
Over the years, messages about how – and whether! – to prepare for admissions tests like the SAT and the ACT have varied. The SAT...

"College" or "University" -- What's in a Name?
In America, we all talk about going to “college”. But a majority of young people go to public institutions, often called “universities.”...

How Fast Can You Listen?
Many people in the college admissions professions (such as independent consultants, test-prep tutors, and financial advisers) are taking...

Beyond the Common App
The personal statement that’s part of the Common Application gets a lot of attention from students, parents and counselors. If you...

Information: Is More Always Better?