Calling it DONE
You’ve written four drafts, you’ve had your mother, your counselor, your teacher and your sister look it over. You want to submit the...

A Jaundiced Eye
Yield management (a/k/a marketing) officers at colleges have gotten the memo: students like social media! It is no wonder, then, that...

What Does US News Measure?
It's human nature: If we have a list, we want to rank it. US News and World Report took full advantage of that tendency when it first...

Oldies but Goodies
When starting to research colleges, some students immediately turn to the internet. And there's no question that college websites and...

How High Should You Reach?
Americans seem to approach everything with optimism. Just look at some of our more widespread clichés: “Reach for the stars.” “Anything...

Wave Goodbye to Summer Camp
Some students want to get onto an Ivy League campus in the worst way. And so they do: they sign up for a summer program. These students...

Time to Ask
Juniors have a lot on their plates. So maybe they can relate to another group under pressure to produce above and beyond their regular...

The End of a Cycle -- or a Beginning
By its nature a circle has no beginning or end, and so it is with college applications. Just as the seniors are stepping off the...

Visit Campus Via Computer
Virtual tours can be a significant way to gather information about a college a student would like to consider, particularly if it is one...

Does This Scene Look Familiar?
Many seniors have finally sent off the last of their applications, but for underclassmen the flurry of mail is just starting. They...